Thursday, March 10, 2011


Computers Back Then And Computers Now

Computers back then were very slow and big according to my mother. She says that it would take a long time for the computers to boot up. Back then Computers were slow and very expensive, Nowadays Computers are fast and pretty affordable. Computer technology has changed a lot during the last 25 years, what used to be the size of a whole room is now more advanced and found on a 4.5x2.3 inch iphone. Its amazing how computers have changed in so little time. Whats also amazing is how the computer speed has changed in so little time, back then from what I've heard the computers used to take forever to start up, now computers take up to 5-10 minutes on a pc and even less on a mac. The first computers would take hours to start up, now if your on a mac it takes maybe 1 or 2 minutes. Computers have advanced alot in the past 25 years. I hope that computers will continue to advance in the future

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